We provide the underlying copy for a single game or an entire lineup of games. Essentially, we’ll create the core messaging that will be used to shape press releases, marketing materials, sales collateral, advertising, and packaging.

Editorial Consulting
Both in print and online, we’ll help shape editorial to gather more readers, build a new editorial brand, or strengthen an existing one.

You didn’t think those keynotes write themselves, did you? We contract with professional speechwriters and add our own experience as the target keynote audience to help a client create powerful media events. We’ll help craft the speech, and then serve as a media measuring stick to refine the presentation.

Using our experience packaging and selling to the videogame consumer we’ll work with agencies to create stunning packaging that really speaks to the consumer. We provide benefit-driven copy and sales-first art direction – which, if you think about it, is what we’ve been doing every single month for the last decade. Magazine covers are packages that grab attention and sell copies – more copies than most games!